Medicare Plans


Not every plan is created equal. Let us help you find the best plan to cover your healthcare needs!

Medicare is for those who are age 65+ who have made contributions through taxes paid while working 10 years, 40 consecutive quarters, or those who have been disabled for 24+ months.

Medicare is an ever-changing market, making it difficult to understand your current coverage. Many seniors use their health plans more than ever before. It is just a matter of time before something occurs that they don’t understand. At True Advocate Group, we recognize that your healthcare plan can be confusing and hard to understand. We take steps to educate our seniors not only to resolve the issues that arise, but also help you understand the best plan for your lifestyle.

Some individuals may be entitled to Additional Assistance with their medicare premiums, prescriptions cost and copays, and some may even be eligible for medicaid as well. Many plans have specific enrollment periods while others don’t. Many plans include RX-Drugs, Dental, Vision, Hearing, and so much more. Let us be your medicare knowledge bank and advocate a solution for you.

Because of the vast differences between supplements, Advantage Plans, and Drug Plans we advise our clients to have an annual review of their benefits to assure their needs coincide with the current coverage provided.

Get In Touch

Reach us by phone at (864) 884-4994 or fill out the contact form below to learn more about the best Medicare plan for you!